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Global Forest Watch - 24h checkpoints database

Context : Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia
Title : Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch
Page : gfw_checkpoints_database_20150219
Author : GERES
Licence : CC BY-SA 4.0
Online : 2015-02-19
Last update : 2015-02-20


This database is part of the “ Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch” study. It presents the results of the amount of charcoal leaving the study area over a 24h period. This amount has been accounted through 14 checkpoints.

A typology of Charcoal Transportation Vehicle (CTV) with their approximate quantity of charcoal was developed (see annex 1 of the report) in order to estimate the quantity of charcoal transiting within 24h.

The 24h checkpoints were undertaken in 3 provinces between the 20th and 29th of November 2014. Data was then processed to avoid double counting and extrapolate the November CTV counting to the mean annual production.


Format Extension File
Excel 2007 + XLSX geres_2015_gfw_checkpoints_database.xlsx
Excel 97-2003 XLS geres_2015_gfw_checkpoints_database.xls
Open Document ODS geres_2015_gfw_checkpoints_database.ods


This dataset is provided by GERES as an output of the “Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch” funded by Global Forest Watch.

The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The recommended citation format is: “FRANCOIS Y., HUOY V., JOYA R., 2015. Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch” by GERES is licensed under CC BY SA v4.0

This database is provided “as is”. GERES does not give any warranty in the accuracy of the data provided. In no event shall GERES, its partner Mlup Baitong or its donor Global Forest Watch, be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, which may result from the use of these data.