====== Global Forest Watch - Charcoal producers database ====== **Context** : Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia\\ **Title** : Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch\\ **Page** : gfw_charcoal_producers_database_20150219\\ **Author** : GERES\\ **Licence** : [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/|CC BY-SA 4.0]]\\ **Online** : 2015-02-19\\ **Last update** : 2015-02-19 ===== Description ===== This database is part of the " Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch" study. It presents the results of an assessment of the charcoal flows and production patterns in two selected areas in the Northern Cardamoms. A snowball approach has been carried out starting from charcoal markets and going up to the distributors and then the charcoal producers. Using this approach, 48 charcoal producers have been identified and interviewed for around 1 hour. Notice: The snowball approach used brings a higher probability of interviewing charcoal producers near the road than the ones more in depth in the forest. ===== Data ===== ^ Format ^ Extension ^ File ^ | Excel 2007 + | XLSX | {{:geres_2015_gfw_charcoal_producers_database.xlsx|}} | | Excel 97-2003 | XLS | {{:geres_2015_gfw_charcoal_producers_database.xls|}} | | Open Document | ODS | {{:geres_2015_gfw_charcoal_producers_database.ods|}} | ===== Related links ===== * [[http://www.geres.eu/images/publications/charcoal_impact_assessment.pdf|Charcoal, Forests and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms - Project Report]] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardamom_Mountains|Cardamom Mountains]] in [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodia|Cambodia]] (wikipedia) * [[http://www.geres.eu/en/our-actions/by-country/southeast-asia/geres-cambodia| GERES projects in Cambodia]] * [[http://gsea.regions.geres.eu/|GERES Southest Asia news blog]] * [[http://www.globalforestwatch.org/|Global Forest Watch]] ===== Disclaimer ===== This dataset is provided by GERES as an output of the "Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch" funded by Global Forest Watch. The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The recommended citation format is: “FRANCOIS Y., HUOY V., JOYA R., 2015. Charcoal, Forest and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms, Cambodia - Participatory Impact Assessment of Charcoal production using Global Forest Watch” by GERES is licensed under CC BY SA v4.0 This database is provided “as is”. GERES does not give any warranty in the accuracy of the data provided. In no event shall GERES, its partner Mlup Baitong or its donor Global Forest Watch, be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, which may result from the use of these data.